Found this link through a blog I read occasionally of someone I work with..seems kind of's supposed to be done on Monday's but that's ok - let's pretend it's Monday - wait, let's not....

FOR TODAY 11/25/08
Outside my's very dark and I'm loving it!
I am thinking...I wish it were Wed @ 3:30 pm
I am thankful life - no matter how drama filled or frustrating - I wouldn't change it for the world
From the learning rooms...Cadence is learning "I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas" for her pre-school program on 12/30
From the kitchen...there will be leftovers tonite
I am wearing...the clothes that I put on this morning
I am creating...a warm & inviting home for Cadence to enjoy her childhood in, even if it's only until we buy a "real" house next year
I am buy dog food tonite
I am reading...Delusion by Peter Abrahams
I am hoping...for one special thing
I am hearing...keyboard clicking
Around the house...are a "few" boxes
One of my favorite watching Cadence in her extracurricular activites - she's always so happy!
A few plans for the rest of the week:Unpack (whoopee), make Thankgiving dinner w/Dennis, unpack & unpack - should be a great week!
Here is picture thought I am dream home during the best time of the year...