Monday, December 12, 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Day 23 – Give pictures of 5 guys who are famous & you find attractive
Tyrese – I just love everything about him…from his chocolate skin to his chiseled abs. mmmmm..
Alexander Skarsgard aka Eric Northman from True Blood
O.M.Gee. I wasn’t impressed the first time I saw him on the show. I was actually quite disappointed b/c in the books, I imagined someone way better looking. But once he cut his hair & we started to see more of him. I changed my mind…That is one yummy Swede!
Coby Bell
I’ve enjoyed looking at him since he was on Third Watch. He’s so beautiful. And a family man..He’s ½ the reason I love watching Burn Notice
LL Cool J
Look at the picture – no explanation needed
James Roday
He’s cute – but I love his personality. He’s freaking hilarious – I’ve watched a bunch of behind the scenes things & he’s just a funny guy which makes me adore him. And he has good hair!
Woo…is it hot in here or what?!
Alexander Skarsgard aka Eric Northman from True Blood
O.M.Gee. I wasn’t impressed the first time I saw him on the show. I was actually quite disappointed b/c in the books, I imagined someone way better looking. But once he cut his hair & we started to see more of him. I changed my mind…That is one yummy Swede!
Coby Bell
I’ve enjoyed looking at him since he was on Third Watch. He’s so beautiful. And a family man..He’s ½ the reason I love watching Burn Notice
LL Cool J
Look at the picture – no explanation needed
James Roday
He’s cute – but I love his personality. He’s freaking hilarious – I’ve watched a bunch of behind the scenes things & he’s just a funny guy which makes me adore him. And he has good hair!
Woo…is it hot in here or what?!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Thirty Days of Blogging completed...the final 10
Day 20 – How important you think education is
I cannot put into words how important education is. When we lived in Toledo, I was going to send Cai to a Catholic school b/c their education is better than TPS. After having Bryleigh and hating our neighborhood, we looked for our out & found it in Perrysburg Township. Cadence goes to a FANTASTIC school that has AMAZING state ratings. Next year (as long as Bry is potty trained – PLEASE be potty trained!) she starts at full day pre-school for 2 yrs, offered by the school!
Day 21 – One of your favorite shows
NCIS is probably the one show I’ve liked for a long time. I mean other shows come & go that I really enjoy, but NCIS has been on many years and has always been my go-to Tuesday nite show.

Day 22 – How have you changed in the past 2 yrs?
I like to think I’m less uptight…I am less judgmental and try even harder to be a more gracious, God-loving woman. I want my girls to grow up sweet, kind & gentle and they learn by watching it’s important for me to try to teach them by doing.
Day 23 – Pictures of 5 actors you find attractive...
Day 24 – Your favorite movie & what it’s about
Wikipedia description:
Birdee (Sandra Bullock) is an unassuming housewife whose life is disrupted when her husband (Michael Pare) reveals his infidelity to her on a Ricki Lake-style talk show. She goes home to her mother and the small town in which she grew up where everyone knows of her televised marital collapse. Things only get worse as a family tragedy brings her ex-husband back for an official divorce. Meanwhile an old friend, Justin (Harry Connick Jr.), has entered her life, sparking a romance. While Justin's intentions are clear and good, Birdee struggles with the decision to let him fully into her life.
I love the movie - I really don't know why. I mean, Harry Connick Jr. helps - hehe), but really, I love the story all around.

Day 25 - Someone who fascinates you & why
Angelina Jolie.
I’m not sure why she fascinates me – but she does. Her children, her volunteering, her jetsetting – it’s all so awesome to me
Day 26 – What kind of person attracts you?
In a man – height…I love tall men – but not skinny. I need a man with some meat. I love dark hair and dark eyes…I like a little scruff too – not a lot..but something to make them a little rough looking. Thick upper arms, w/a slight build to them is pretty hot too.
In a friend, someone who listens and supports me. Helps me work through my bad days and celebrates my good days. Someone who trusts me and feels they can come to me when they have a bad day.
I’d say I’m pretty lucky b/c I have a big circle of wonderful friends just like this.
Day 27 – A problem that you have had
I’ve had a lot of problems, I’m trying hard to move on – dwelling on them just takes its toll on me.
Day 28 – Something that you miss.
My dad.
I cannot put into words how important education is. When we lived in Toledo, I was going to send Cai to a Catholic school b/c their education is better than TPS. After having Bryleigh and hating our neighborhood, we looked for our out & found it in Perrysburg Township. Cadence goes to a FANTASTIC school that has AMAZING state ratings. Next year (as long as Bry is potty trained – PLEASE be potty trained!) she starts at full day pre-school for 2 yrs, offered by the school!
Day 21 – One of your favorite shows
NCIS is probably the one show I’ve liked for a long time. I mean other shows come & go that I really enjoy, but NCIS has been on many years and has always been my go-to Tuesday nite show.

Day 22 – How have you changed in the past 2 yrs?
I like to think I’m less uptight…I am less judgmental and try even harder to be a more gracious, God-loving woman. I want my girls to grow up sweet, kind & gentle and they learn by watching it’s important for me to try to teach them by doing.
Day 23 – Pictures of 5 actors you find attractive...
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Tyrese - ALWAYS my #1!!! |
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Jensen Ackles |
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Alexander Skarsgard |
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Daniel Dae Kim |
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Alex O'Loughlin |
Day 24 – Your favorite movie & what it’s about
Wikipedia description:
Birdee (Sandra Bullock) is an unassuming housewife whose life is disrupted when her husband (Michael Pare) reveals his infidelity to her on a Ricki Lake-style talk show. She goes home to her mother and the small town in which she grew up where everyone knows of her televised marital collapse. Things only get worse as a family tragedy brings her ex-husband back for an official divorce. Meanwhile an old friend, Justin (Harry Connick Jr.), has entered her life, sparking a romance. While Justin's intentions are clear and good, Birdee struggles with the decision to let him fully into her life.
I love the movie - I really don't know why. I mean, Harry Connick Jr. helps - hehe), but really, I love the story all around.

Day 25 - Someone who fascinates you & why
Angelina Jolie.
I’m not sure why she fascinates me – but she does. Her children, her volunteering, her jetsetting – it’s all so awesome to me
Day 26 – What kind of person attracts you?
In a man – height…I love tall men – but not skinny. I need a man with some meat. I love dark hair and dark eyes…I like a little scruff too – not a lot..but something to make them a little rough looking. Thick upper arms, w/a slight build to them is pretty hot too.
In a friend, someone who listens and supports me. Helps me work through my bad days and celebrates my good days. Someone who trusts me and feels they can come to me when they have a bad day.
I’d say I’m pretty lucky b/c I have a big circle of wonderful friends just like this.
Day 27 – A problem that you have had
I’ve had a lot of problems, I’m trying hard to move on – dwelling on them just takes its toll on me.
Day 28 – Something that you miss.
My dad.
Day 29 – How you relax
usually after work, I like to go home, change into something comfortable, sit down – listen to the girls tell me about their day…grab a book & read for a ½ hr…once I’ve done that (if I really get to) my evening goes into overdrive trying to get everything done before bed.
Day 30 – Goals for the next 30 days
Celebrate my 35th b/day, organize my room & maybe the spare room, and do a few crafts..
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Day 15 – Your favorite blogs
I love all kind of different blogs...from crafty to real life...In no particular order:
Canine Asylum
He Will Carry Me
My RePurposed Life
A Bowl Full of Lemons
Brown Paper Packages
In This Wonderful Life
Canine Asylum
He Will Carry Me
My RePurposed Life
A Bowl Full of Lemons
Brown Paper Packages
In This Wonderful Life
Friday, August 19, 2011
Thirty Days of Blogging continued...the 2nd set of ten...
Day 11 - Put your i-pod on shuffle & write 10 songs that pop up
When You’re Mad – NeYo
Ordinary People – John Legend
Put You To Bed – J Holliday
Put that Woman First – Jaheim
Sweet Lady – Tyrese
East to West
Amazing Love – Chris Tomlin
I Surrender to You – Jeremy Camp
Falsetto – The Dream
Signs of Love Making - Tyrese
Day 12 – Bullet your whole day
8:32 am – Unwillingly wake up b/c of a full bladder
8:35 am – sit & talk w/Dennis & cuddle Bry
9:07 am – jump in the shower
9:20 am – get dressed & brush hair
9:25 am – Get Bryleigh dressed
9:30 am – wake up Cadence
9:45 am – Give Cadence breakfast (Dennis has already fed Bry)
10 am – clean the house
10:45 am – do Cai’s hair
10:50 am – start washer
10:55 am – play dollhouse with the girls
11:20 am – lay Bry down for a nap
11:22 am – play Barbies with Cai
11:57 am – get on fb & check emails
12:30 pm – make lunch for Cai, Dennis & I
1 pm – switch loads that I forgot about
1:10 pm – read my book
1:27 pm – Bry wakes up & is raring to go
1:30 pm – change B’s diaper & give her lunch
1:50 pm – clean her up & clean up kitchen
2:15 pm – switch loads/fold laundry
2:45 pm – take the girls outside to play for a bit
3:45 pm – give the girls a snack
4:03 pm – put Sharpays fabulous adventure in the dvd player for the girls to watch
4:05 pm – read more of my book
5:00 pm – help dennis make dinner
5:34 pm – serve dinner
6:08 pm – clean up from dinner
6:30 pm – read some of my favorite blogs
7:12 pm – Selena comes over
7:29 pm – we head to 577 for volunteering
10:37 pm – we FINALLY leave 577
10:44 pm – stop at McD’s for a cold shake
11:01 pm – get to my house and flop onto furniture
11:38 pm – say good-bye to Selena & Nathan
11:45 pm – kiss Cai good-nite & tuck her into bed
11:50 pm – shower
12:06 am – crawl into bed & watch some tv
12:52 am – turn on tv sleep timer – roll over & close eyes
Day 13 – Somewhere you’d like to visit or move
I’d LOVE to visit Ireland – however, I’m petrified of flying, so I’m going to say it’s probably not going to happen. However, I want & will visit Kahnawake. This is the Indian Reservation my grandfather was born on. It’s in Quebec, Canada.
I’m hoping to maybe go next summer or fall. I think this will be a great learning experience for me & the girls.
I would also love to visit the East Coast during the fall color change. The pictures are amazing – I can only imagine how much more amazing it is in real life.
Ruby Falls in TN is another spot I’d like to visit, also the Mall of America & at some point California & Hawaii.
Day 14 – Your earliest memory
Sometimes when I look at pictures, I remember what was happening during those pictures. When I’m not looking at the pictures, but I have a memory – I wonder if it’s a true memory or a picture I’m remembering.
That being said, I think I remember when I was 3 yrs old, sitting on my dad’s shoulders in the hallway of my gramma’s house. I was wearing a yellow dress. But there is also a picture of this moment, so I’m never sure if I actually remember this or I think I remember it.
I do have a very clear memory of sitting with my mom & dad on the couch – I must have been 3ish & my dad is wearing his Bi-State Ford uniform shirt. I always called him ‘Honey’ instead of ‘dad’ b/c I was an only child at that point & that is what my mom called him. I remember running my finger of the patch that said ‘Bi-State Ford Trucks’ and saying it aloud. Then running my finger over the patch w/his name but saying ‘Honey’ instead. I remember my parents laughing. It’s a good memory…
Day 15 - Your favorite blogs
Day 16 – Your views on mainstream music
If you had asked me this 8 years ago, I would have said I loved hip-hop & rap…and when they bad-mouth women, it doesn’t bother me in the least b/c they’re idiots and I know who I am.
Now I have two daughters. I still love hip-hop. But I’ve added Christian Rock to the mix. I don’t listen to any music where they bad mouth women or call them names. I’m comfortable being a woman and no one’s bad mouthing can make me feel like less of a person BUT my girls are very impressionable & I don’t want them growing up with a complex b/c these morons call women b*tches and talk about the dirty things they should do.
To each their own, but for me – I have to protect my girls for awhile – so we keep it clean now…at least when the girls are up or around. No matter what, I love me some Eminem – we’ll just have to keep the r rated songs on the DL.
Day 17- Your highs & lows of this past year
As I read this subject line over and over, I really can’t say there’s been anything better than just being with my family every day. For sure the lowest point ever was when my heart went into a-fib. It scared me in ways I can’t even explain. My highs are any time I spend with the girls and Dennis…I know it sounds corny, but really, I’m easy to please.
Day 18 – Your hobbies
I LOVE reading – I mean LOVE. It takes me to another world and is always better than a movie. I like to do crafts and decorate the house or at least dream of how I want to decorate it if I ever come into large sums of money! HA! I like to spend time w/the girls & dennis, play board games and host family dinners. I like to take pictures and edit them.
I’m looking forward to learning how to use the sewing machine and possibly knitting.
Day 19 – Disrespecting Your parents
You shouldn’t do it. I’m guilty of it. I think it’s harder as you become an adult to hold back form disrespecting them. Mostly it starts with disagreements, but if you think they’re wrong & they won’t listen, as an adult, sometimes you tell them how you feel, which often is disrespectful.
When You’re Mad – NeYo
Ordinary People – John Legend
Put You To Bed – J Holliday
Put that Woman First – Jaheim
Sweet Lady – Tyrese
East to West
Amazing Love – Chris Tomlin
I Surrender to You – Jeremy Camp
Falsetto – The Dream
Signs of Love Making - Tyrese
Day 12 – Bullet your whole day
8:32 am – Unwillingly wake up b/c of a full bladder
8:35 am – sit & talk w/Dennis & cuddle Bry
9:07 am – jump in the shower
9:20 am – get dressed & brush hair
9:25 am – Get Bryleigh dressed
9:30 am – wake up Cadence
9:45 am – Give Cadence breakfast (Dennis has already fed Bry)
10 am – clean the house
10:45 am – do Cai’s hair
10:50 am – start washer
10:55 am – play dollhouse with the girls
11:20 am – lay Bry down for a nap
11:22 am – play Barbies with Cai
11:57 am – get on fb & check emails
12:30 pm – make lunch for Cai, Dennis & I
1 pm – switch loads that I forgot about
1:10 pm – read my book
1:27 pm – Bry wakes up & is raring to go
1:30 pm – change B’s diaper & give her lunch
1:50 pm – clean her up & clean up kitchen
2:15 pm – switch loads/fold laundry
2:45 pm – take the girls outside to play for a bit
3:45 pm – give the girls a snack
4:03 pm – put Sharpays fabulous adventure in the dvd player for the girls to watch
4:05 pm – read more of my book
5:00 pm – help dennis make dinner
5:34 pm – serve dinner
6:08 pm – clean up from dinner
6:30 pm – read some of my favorite blogs
7:12 pm – Selena comes over
7:29 pm – we head to 577 for volunteering
10:37 pm – we FINALLY leave 577
10:44 pm – stop at McD’s for a cold shake
11:01 pm – get to my house and flop onto furniture
11:38 pm – say good-bye to Selena & Nathan
11:45 pm – kiss Cai good-nite & tuck her into bed
11:50 pm – shower
12:06 am – crawl into bed & watch some tv
12:52 am – turn on tv sleep timer – roll over & close eyes
Day 13 – Somewhere you’d like to visit or move
I’d LOVE to visit Ireland – however, I’m petrified of flying, so I’m going to say it’s probably not going to happen. However, I want & will visit Kahnawake. This is the Indian Reservation my grandfather was born on. It’s in Quebec, Canada.
I’m hoping to maybe go next summer or fall. I think this will be a great learning experience for me & the girls.
I would also love to visit the East Coast during the fall color change. The pictures are amazing – I can only imagine how much more amazing it is in real life.
Ruby Falls in TN is another spot I’d like to visit, also the Mall of America & at some point California & Hawaii.
Day 14 – Your earliest memory
Sometimes when I look at pictures, I remember what was happening during those pictures. When I’m not looking at the pictures, but I have a memory – I wonder if it’s a true memory or a picture I’m remembering.
That being said, I think I remember when I was 3 yrs old, sitting on my dad’s shoulders in the hallway of my gramma’s house. I was wearing a yellow dress. But there is also a picture of this moment, so I’m never sure if I actually remember this or I think I remember it.
I do have a very clear memory of sitting with my mom & dad on the couch – I must have been 3ish & my dad is wearing his Bi-State Ford uniform shirt. I always called him ‘Honey’ instead of ‘dad’ b/c I was an only child at that point & that is what my mom called him. I remember running my finger of the patch that said ‘Bi-State Ford Trucks’ and saying it aloud. Then running my finger over the patch w/his name but saying ‘Honey’ instead. I remember my parents laughing. It’s a good memory…
Day 15 - Your favorite blogs
Day 16 – Your views on mainstream music
If you had asked me this 8 years ago, I would have said I loved hip-hop & rap…and when they bad-mouth women, it doesn’t bother me in the least b/c they’re idiots and I know who I am.
Now I have two daughters. I still love hip-hop. But I’ve added Christian Rock to the mix. I don’t listen to any music where they bad mouth women or call them names. I’m comfortable being a woman and no one’s bad mouthing can make me feel like less of a person BUT my girls are very impressionable & I don’t want them growing up with a complex b/c these morons call women b*tches and talk about the dirty things they should do.
To each their own, but for me – I have to protect my girls for awhile – so we keep it clean now…at least when the girls are up or around. No matter what, I love me some Eminem – we’ll just have to keep the r rated songs on the DL.
Day 17- Your highs & lows of this past year
As I read this subject line over and over, I really can’t say there’s been anything better than just being with my family every day. For sure the lowest point ever was when my heart went into a-fib. It scared me in ways I can’t even explain. My highs are any time I spend with the girls and Dennis…I know it sounds corny, but really, I’m easy to please.
Day 18 – Your hobbies
I LOVE reading – I mean LOVE. It takes me to another world and is always better than a movie. I like to do crafts and decorate the house or at least dream of how I want to decorate it if I ever come into large sums of money! HA! I like to spend time w/the girls & dennis, play board games and host family dinners. I like to take pictures and edit them.
I’m looking forward to learning how to use the sewing machine and possibly knitting.
Day 19 – Disrespecting Your parents
You shouldn’t do it. I’m guilty of it. I think it’s harder as you become an adult to hold back form disrespecting them. Mostly it starts with disagreements, but if you think they’re wrong & they won’t listen, as an adult, sometimes you tell them how you feel, which often is disrespectful.
Monday, August 1, 2011
To-Do Monthly Weeks 83-87
As much as I enjoy having a weekly checklist, I just can’t keep up w/posting them on here. I enjoy posting them on here b/c it’s nice to go back & see what I’ve accomplished – what can I say, I’m a list nerd! To make my ‘listing’ personality & my ‘time’ both happy, I’m going to make my to-do Tuesdays monthly…they’ll rarely fall on Tuesdays now - but at least I still feel like I’m getting my list in!
To check out what the to-do is about To-Do Tuesday click on the post-it below...
Weekly Tasks..
Week 77
7/1 – Happy b/day Sarah!
7/2 – 577 Foundation
7/1-7/2 Woodville Festival
Week 78
7/3 - Woodville Festival
7/4 – Gramma’s 4th dinner
7/4 – Andrea’s 4th party
7/7 – Happy b/day Lisa
7/8 – Happy b/day Nathan
7/9 – 577 Foundation
7/9 – River Raisin Festival
7/9 – Car Wash @ Ralphies 12-5
Week 79
7/16- 577 Foundation
7/16 – Car Wash @ Tony’s
Week 80
7/19 – Happy b/day Alan
7/23 – 577 Foundation
7/23 – Kids weekend
Week 81
7/30 – 577 Foundation
Week 82
7/31 – SEA @ Lucas Co Fair
Week 83
8/1 – SEA 5-7
8/2 – SEA 5-7
8/3 – Happy 14th b/day Aj!
8/4 – SEA 5-7
8/5 – Wood Co Fair Comp @ 6!!
8/6 – 577 Foundation
Week 84
8/7 – Happy 2nd b/day Maizen!
8/8 – SEA 5-7
8/9 - SEA 5-7
8/9 – Happy 14th Anniversary Aunt Vick & Uncle Jay!
8/10 – Happy 2nd Anniversary Heather & Jerry
8/13 – Canning @ 7-11 from 10-2
8/13 – 577 Foundation
Week 85
8/14 – Happy b/day Gramma!!! <3
8/14 – Dad’s b/day
8/15 - SEA 5-7
8/15 – Happy Anniversary Uncle Tracy & Aunt Diana
8/15 – Happy b/day Josh
8/16 - SEA 5-7
8/17 – Happy 9th Anniversary to us <3
8/18 - SEA 5-7
8/18 – Happy 30th b/day Matt!
8/18 – School paperwork due
8/20 – 577 Foundation
Week 86
8/21 – Happy b/day Alyssa & Tori!
8/22 - SEA 5-7
8/22 – SEA Parents meeting @ 7
8/23 – Becky & Brian’s 20th Anniversary
8/23 - SEA 5-7
8/23 – Open House @ 6:30
8/24 – 1st day of 1st grade!
8/25 - SEA 5-7
8/27 – canning @ walmart @ 11-6
8/27 – 577 Foundation
Week 87
8/31 – Happy b/day Amy!!
In no particular order:
Clean masterbath
make curtains in front of washer & dryer
Pull strips/Sand/Clean up/Paint:
our room
our bathroom
laundry room
spare room
Smoke micro stand
Paint our bedroom furniture black
Pick out paint color for our room
Paint light fixture base in B’s room
Build 2 shadow boxes for Cai's cheer stuff
Buy blinds for our bedroom
Buy new light fixture for diningroom
Buy new light fixture for kitchen
Buy new light fixture for above island
Buy matching drawer handles for our dressers
Buy headboard/footboard for our room
Buy Backsplash for the kitchen
Buy new sectional
Estate sales for dining room outfit
Buy black paint for highchair
Buy pic frames
Tile the Bathroom floors
Hardwood in the dining room
Outdoor Projects
Buy tree for yard
Replace 5 window screen frames...grrrrrr....
Buy patio blocks
Build trash can holder
Make a Dell Family Est. 2002 plaque for front door
To check out what the to-do is about To-Do Tuesday click on the post-it below...
Weekly Tasks..
Week 77
7/1 – Happy b/day Sarah!
7/2 – 577 Foundation
7/1-7/2 Woodville Festival
Week 78
7/3 - Woodville Festival
7/4 – Gramma’s 4th dinner
7/4 – Andrea’s 4th party
7/7 – Happy b/day Lisa
7/8 – Happy b/day Nathan
7/9 – 577 Foundation
7/9 – River Raisin Festival
7/9 – Car Wash @ Ralphies 12-5
Week 79
7/16- 577 Foundation
7/16 – Car Wash @ Tony’s
Week 80
7/19 – Happy b/day Alan
7/23 – 577 Foundation
7/23 – Kids weekend
Week 81
7/30 – 577 Foundation
Week 82
7/31 – SEA @ Lucas Co Fair
Week 83
8/1 – SEA 5-7
8/2 – SEA 5-7
8/3 – Happy 14th b/day Aj!
8/4 – SEA 5-7
8/5 – Wood Co Fair Comp @ 6!!
8/6 – 577 Foundation
Week 84
8/7 – Happy 2nd b/day Maizen!
8/8 – SEA 5-7
8/9 - SEA 5-7
8/9 – Happy 14th Anniversary Aunt Vick & Uncle Jay!
8/10 – Happy 2nd Anniversary Heather & Jerry
8/13 – Canning @ 7-11 from 10-2
8/13 – 577 Foundation
Week 85
8/14 – Happy b/day Gramma!!! <3
8/14 – Dad’s b/day
8/15 - SEA 5-7
8/15 – Happy Anniversary Uncle Tracy & Aunt Diana
8/15 – Happy b/day Josh
8/16 - SEA 5-7
8/17 – Happy 9th Anniversary to us <3
8/18 - SEA 5-7
8/18 – Happy 30th b/day Matt!
8/18 – School paperwork due
8/20 – 577 Foundation
Week 86
8/21 – Happy b/day Alyssa & Tori!
8/22 - SEA 5-7
8/22 – SEA Parents meeting @ 7
8/23 – Becky & Brian’s 20th Anniversary
8/23 - SEA 5-7
8/23 – Open House @ 6:30
8/24 – 1st day of 1st grade!
8/25 - SEA 5-7
8/27 – canning @ walmart @ 11-6
8/27 – 577 Foundation
Week 87
8/31 – Happy b/day Amy!!
In no particular order:
Clean masterbath
make curtains in front of washer & dryer
Pull strips/Sand/Clean up/Paint:
our room
our bathroom
laundry room
spare room
Smoke micro stand
Paint our bedroom furniture black
Pick out paint color for our room
Paint light fixture base in B’s room
Build 2 shadow boxes for Cai's cheer stuff
Buy blinds for our bedroom
Buy new light fixture for diningroom
Buy new light fixture for kitchen
Buy new light fixture for above island
Buy matching drawer handles for our dressers
Buy headboard/footboard for our room
Buy Backsplash for the kitchen
Buy new sectional
Estate sales for dining room outfit
Buy black paint for highchair
Buy pic frames
Tile the Bathroom floors
Outdoor Projects
Buy tree for yard
Replace 5 window screen frames...grrrrrr....
Buy patio blocks
Build trash can holder
Make a Dell Family Est. 2002 plaque for front door
Thursday, July 28, 2011
And so starts 30 days of blogging in THREE posts
Day 1 – Your current relationship
My current relationship is (mostly) happily married. I kid, I kid. We are happily married for 8 years, with our 9th anniversary a month away!
Prior to getting married, we were together 7 years. Yep, add it up kiddos, that’s almost 16 years together! Whoa!!
That makes me sound really old.
Dennis & I have been dating since I was 18 & have lived together since I was 20. It wasn’t all rainbows & kittens, but 16 years later, we work together well & rarely argue. Not sure if it’s time or Zoloft I should thank for that – haha.
We met through one of my best friends, Heather. We’ve had more than our fair share of bumps in our journey, but it’s for sure made us a better couple.
Dennis is a great guy…he’s got a short fuse, which he’s working on & he talks too much, which gets annoying – but we’ve never passed a stranded motorist w/o him stopping to help. He’s never said no, even if he’s mad, at helping a family member. Short fuses & talking don’t even rate with a heart as big as his!
So I’d say I’m a pretty lucky girl & I can’t wait to be celebrating our next 16 years together!
Day 2 – Where you’d like to be in 10 years
10 years is a long time away and I can tell you, the last 10 years would not necessarily be what I had wished for. Ten years ago, I had no children, lived in Florida, my dad was still alive and Dennis & I were planning a wedding 1200 miles away.
10 years ago I wanted a great wedding, children – 5 children to be exact w/easy waterbirths, a beautiful home with lots of land, two new vehicles, no debt and my dad moving back to Ohio.
What I got was a beautiful wedding, 2 beautiful daughters after 2 high-risk pregnancies & 8 blood clots after the use of a lot of fertility drugs, a beautiful home – no yard, one new vehicle & one small truck and my dad passed away. I’m not even going to mention the bills & debt..ugh..
My next 10 years…my longings have changed. I’ll be 44, Cadence will be 16 & Bryleigh will be 12. I want to be healthy and I want my children & Dennis to be healthy. I want Dennis & I to have a stronger relationship than ever before & the things in between…well God has a plan for all that too – so I’ll just follow His path & know He lays it with love. But I will say – if God wanted to make me a SAHM – I wouldn’t be mad…jus’ sayin..
Day 3 - What is your view on drugs & alcohol
This subject is pretty familiar to me. My dad was a drug addict & alcoholic. I have a lot of good memories from my childhood, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t remember the fights and him stealing money for his habit. The time I was sick at school, left @ 10, walked home & was locked out of the house b/c he was at the bar.
He smoked pot, snorted coke, took pain pills & drank like a fish. I remember making him Black Velvet & 7-up drinks when I was 9…
He finally got clean when I was 12. But it was a long road. We were all very proud of him. Today, I can’t even watch those Intervention shows. It breaks my heart.
My mom worked hard to support us because my dad couldn’t. I respect her so much for that.
In my family, pot is the drug of choice. Today there are still family members who smoke. I tried it once & almost choked to death. It’s not something I have any yearning for.. Dennis smoked when he was younger – but thankfully has no desire to do so either.
While I don’t like smoking pot, I can see how relaxation & good feelings you get from it can be addicting. When I was in the hospital for my hernia, they gave me diludid. Most amazing medicine ever! I loved the feeling it gave me.
When it comes to drinking, I drink occasionally. When I say occasionally, I mean every 4 or 5 years! First, I hate the taste of beer, which leaves liquor as my choice of drinks. It’s not cheap and I have no desire to spend that much $ on alcohol. Also, when I drink, I get tired after a glass. Doesn’t leave much for me to enjoy afterwards because I just want to go to bed.
But if I drink a lot in a short amount of time, I get drunk.
I’ve probably only ever been drunk 5 times in my life. Now that I’m on Coumadin, I have to be cautious of what I eat & drink, so it makes drinking more of a hassle than an enjoyment.
I guess I should be happy because with the addiction in my family, I could have easily gone the other way.
My views are to not judge anyone b/c I know how hard the path to recovery is. I’m just thankful I didn’t follow the path my dad was on.
Day 4 – Your views on Religion
Dennis & I were both born and raised Catholic. My parents & grandparents were Catholic. I was baptized, made my 1st Communion, my Confirmation, was married in the Catholic Church, was given the sacrament of the sick when I was in the hospital with my blood clots and have had both girls baptized.
We attended Mass every Saturday or Sunday – Dennis went to Catholic school his whole life. I went for K & 1st grade.
A few years ago, I yearned for more. I wanted to be closer to God and learn more. I had a hard time learning at the Catholic Church. No matter how hard I tried – I just couldn’t pay attention.
We attended Cedar Creek when my sister praised it. I loved it right away. Dennis took a little longer – but he came around & also enjoys it. We both volunteered for the Church – me as in the Welcome Center & office – Dennis at the car care clinic.
While both girls have been baptized Catholic, I have had them Dedicated as well at Cedar Creek. If either or both girls prefer to be Catholic when they are adults (or even before), they will have made their sacraments and during CCD classes, will learn more about the Catholic religion. They can attend Church with my grandma or his mom if they choose, but I want to make sure I don’t hold them back from whatever will help them become closer to God.
Day 5 – A time when you thought about ending your own life
I can’t say I’ve ever really thought, “I’m going to kill myself”. It just hasn’t been something I wanted to do. Maybe I think too highly of myself? HA!
Sometimes when I’m sad, I think about how I don’t want to deal with the sadness or problem anymore – but I’ve never really considered suicide.
I’m happy I don’t have feelings or thoughts of suicide. My mom’s dad killed himself when she was 18.
When I was told to get on an anti-anxiety med by the heart dr., I panicked b/c I know one of the side effects CAN BE thoughts of suicide. With the a family history of depression & suicide, I did not want to take the medicine & bawled when she suggested it.
I’m happy I listened to her, she told me how important it was for me to take them and talked about my concerns. They have helped me tremendously. I wish I had looked into this long ago.
Day 6 – Thirty interesting facts about me..
1. I am addicted to chapstick – but only the menthol kind
2. I lived in Albuquerque, NM when I was 4 for almost a year
3. I had 8 blood clots in my left leg, the longest was 2 ft long, when I was pregnant w/Cadence
4. I lived in FL for 2 yrs from 00-02
5. For our honeymoon, we drove to Sanibel Island, FL, then Arcadia, Fl, then Daytona Beach, FL, then Blue Ridge Mountains, NC, then Washington, DC, then NYC, NY, then Buffalo, NY. It took us 2 wks. We loved it!
6. I saw MC Hammer in concert when I was 11
7. I flew on a Delta flight from Detroit, MI to Ft. Myers, FL by myself when I was 6 (what was my mother thinking?!)
8. I went to Disney World & Sea World w/my great-grandparents when I was 6
9. I wanted to grow up to be Daisy Duke when I was younger
10. I used to call my dad, Honey instead of dad b/c that’s what my mom called him
11. I got suspended for the first time in my whole life on my b/day my senior year – that vice principal was evil!
12. My favorite pizza topping is black olives
13. I’m learning to speak & write in Mohawk – which is VERY difficult and after a few weeks, can only say about 5 words properly!
14. I’m fairly certain my cousin Aaron saved my life (or at least saved me from horrible injuries) when we were about 10. I was falling down a mountainside & he caught me
15. 5 is my favorite #
16. I’ve never broken any bones or had any stitches (knock on wood!) – but I did have 12 staples when my hernia was repaired
17. I (thankfully) never had to wear braces
18. I saw NKOTB when I was 12 & again when I was 32
19. I prefer dark cloudy days over sunny ones
20. I fostered 102 dogs in about a year
21. I worked at an ENT office while we lived in Fl – it was the best job I’ve EVER had!
22. I’m Irish, German & Mohawk Indian
23. The first time I got pregnant I was 23 & miscarried @ 12 wks
24. My heart went into a-fib on New Year’s Eve 2010
25. However, after stress tests, echos & nuclear tests – I was told I have the heart of a 20 yr old
26. I don’t like any sports…
27. I’m germophobic & the older I get – the worse it gets
28. I hate the smell of pencils
29. I miss Whitney horribly & think of her almost every day
30. I’m terrified of riding a motorcycle
Day 8 – A moment you felt most satisfied with your life
I cannot pinpoint one, single moment when I was most satisfied with my life. I was satisfied when I finally graduated Lake (to be out of there was an amazing feeling!), again when I started at Shawnee State University (I was a college girl!), again when Dennis & I moved in together (this was serious!), when we married (finally, after SEVEN LONG YEARS!), at the birth of our children (I’d been praying for them for so long)…I don’t think I can say one was when I was most satisfied.
Each moment has been wonderful, but AFTER the satisfying feeling, “wow, I’m married…now I want kids..had I want to watch them grow and learn things”…each time I feel satisfied, I crave the next satisfaction.
I can truly say, I love my life. I think my most satisfying moment is yet to come..when I’m in my late 90’s and surrounded by my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren – then I’ll be satisfied.
Day 9 – How you hope your future will be
I want my future to be filled with my family. My husband, children, sister, brother, cousins, etc. I love spending time with all of them. I would like to start having family dinners twice a month. I want to be able to travel more, maybe have another kid or two (adoption??)…
I want to be at a job I enjoy more…I would be thrilled to be debt free and live on 5 acres of land…
This question is similar to Day 2 – so for more details – head back there.
Day 10 – Discuss your first love & first kiss
This question is quite a memory jogger. My first kiss was sooo many years ago..I was 11 or 12, maybe. A boy my dad thought was a ‘good kid’. He probably was – it was a long time ago and honestly, not as special as I would have liked or for that matter, one I remember vividly. I don’t remember where we were or how it happened…
My first love…again, it’s not an amazing flashback like they have in movies. It was a ‘normal, awkward – I’m 15, I really believe we’ll get married and have lots of children’ kind of love. He was almost 2 years older than me, went to a different school, had a license and a car and was an amazing kisser.
I loved talking to him for hours on the phone and spending hours together watching movies…or making out.. We were together almost a year, which in teenage time is an eternity! HA!
It was a regular teenage relationship and when it was over, I was heartbroken. I remember talking to him before I left to go babysit one evening. He said, I have to talk to you. I knew what was going to happen and I said, just tell me. He said he had to go to his dad’s & he would call me later.
I cried so hard and brought my friend Val with me to babysit. I was heartbroken and knew what was going to happen. He was going to break my heart without a doubt.
By the end of the night, I had cried a lot and Val was a great friend and listened and made me laugh.
He never called me that night. As a matter of fact, it was two days later and by then, I was already over what was going to happen. When he told me it was just too hard because he was turning 17 and could go out whenever he wanted and blah, blah, blah - I didn’t even shed a tear. I simply listened to his excuses and said good-bye.
I was proud of myself for never letting him know how he broke my heart.
I’m too proud (stubborn?) to let someone else win and so until Dennis, I never deeply cared for anyone else I dated. I liked the other guys I dated…enjoyed my time with them but made sure to never give my whole heart again. A little bitter – probably – thankfully I’m happy with how my life has turned out.
My current relationship is (mostly) happily married. I kid, I kid. We are happily married for 8 years, with our 9th anniversary a month away!
Prior to getting married, we were together 7 years. Yep, add it up kiddos, that’s almost 16 years together! Whoa!!
That makes me sound really old.
Dennis & I have been dating since I was 18 & have lived together since I was 20. It wasn’t all rainbows & kittens, but 16 years later, we work together well & rarely argue. Not sure if it’s time or Zoloft I should thank for that – haha.
We met through one of my best friends, Heather. We’ve had more than our fair share of bumps in our journey, but it’s for sure made us a better couple.
Dennis is a great guy…he’s got a short fuse, which he’s working on & he talks too much, which gets annoying – but we’ve never passed a stranded motorist w/o him stopping to help. He’s never said no, even if he’s mad, at helping a family member. Short fuses & talking don’t even rate with a heart as big as his!
So I’d say I’m a pretty lucky girl & I can’t wait to be celebrating our next 16 years together!
Day 2 – Where you’d like to be in 10 years
10 years is a long time away and I can tell you, the last 10 years would not necessarily be what I had wished for. Ten years ago, I had no children, lived in Florida, my dad was still alive and Dennis & I were planning a wedding 1200 miles away.
10 years ago I wanted a great wedding, children – 5 children to be exact w/easy waterbirths, a beautiful home with lots of land, two new vehicles, no debt and my dad moving back to Ohio.
What I got was a beautiful wedding, 2 beautiful daughters after 2 high-risk pregnancies & 8 blood clots after the use of a lot of fertility drugs, a beautiful home – no yard, one new vehicle & one small truck and my dad passed away. I’m not even going to mention the bills & debt..ugh..
My next 10 years…my longings have changed. I’ll be 44, Cadence will be 16 & Bryleigh will be 12. I want to be healthy and I want my children & Dennis to be healthy. I want Dennis & I to have a stronger relationship than ever before & the things in between…well God has a plan for all that too – so I’ll just follow His path & know He lays it with love. But I will say – if God wanted to make me a SAHM – I wouldn’t be mad…jus’ sayin..
Day 3 - What is your view on drugs & alcohol
This subject is pretty familiar to me. My dad was a drug addict & alcoholic. I have a lot of good memories from my childhood, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t remember the fights and him stealing money for his habit. The time I was sick at school, left @ 10, walked home & was locked out of the house b/c he was at the bar.
He smoked pot, snorted coke, took pain pills & drank like a fish. I remember making him Black Velvet & 7-up drinks when I was 9…
He finally got clean when I was 12. But it was a long road. We were all very proud of him. Today, I can’t even watch those Intervention shows. It breaks my heart.
My mom worked hard to support us because my dad couldn’t. I respect her so much for that.
In my family, pot is the drug of choice. Today there are still family members who smoke. I tried it once & almost choked to death. It’s not something I have any yearning for.. Dennis smoked when he was younger – but thankfully has no desire to do so either.
While I don’t like smoking pot, I can see how relaxation & good feelings you get from it can be addicting. When I was in the hospital for my hernia, they gave me diludid. Most amazing medicine ever! I loved the feeling it gave me.
When it comes to drinking, I drink occasionally. When I say occasionally, I mean every 4 or 5 years! First, I hate the taste of beer, which leaves liquor as my choice of drinks. It’s not cheap and I have no desire to spend that much $ on alcohol. Also, when I drink, I get tired after a glass. Doesn’t leave much for me to enjoy afterwards because I just want to go to bed.
But if I drink a lot in a short amount of time, I get drunk.
I’ve probably only ever been drunk 5 times in my life. Now that I’m on Coumadin, I have to be cautious of what I eat & drink, so it makes drinking more of a hassle than an enjoyment.
I guess I should be happy because with the addiction in my family, I could have easily gone the other way.
My views are to not judge anyone b/c I know how hard the path to recovery is. I’m just thankful I didn’t follow the path my dad was on.
Day 4 – Your views on Religion
Dennis & I were both born and raised Catholic. My parents & grandparents were Catholic. I was baptized, made my 1st Communion, my Confirmation, was married in the Catholic Church, was given the sacrament of the sick when I was in the hospital with my blood clots and have had both girls baptized.
We attended Mass every Saturday or Sunday – Dennis went to Catholic school his whole life. I went for K & 1st grade.
A few years ago, I yearned for more. I wanted to be closer to God and learn more. I had a hard time learning at the Catholic Church. No matter how hard I tried – I just couldn’t pay attention.
We attended Cedar Creek when my sister praised it. I loved it right away. Dennis took a little longer – but he came around & also enjoys it. We both volunteered for the Church – me as in the Welcome Center & office – Dennis at the car care clinic.
While both girls have been baptized Catholic, I have had them Dedicated as well at Cedar Creek. If either or both girls prefer to be Catholic when they are adults (or even before), they will have made their sacraments and during CCD classes, will learn more about the Catholic religion. They can attend Church with my grandma or his mom if they choose, but I want to make sure I don’t hold them back from whatever will help them become closer to God.
Day 5 – A time when you thought about ending your own life
I can’t say I’ve ever really thought, “I’m going to kill myself”. It just hasn’t been something I wanted to do. Maybe I think too highly of myself? HA!
Sometimes when I’m sad, I think about how I don’t want to deal with the sadness or problem anymore – but I’ve never really considered suicide.
I’m happy I don’t have feelings or thoughts of suicide. My mom’s dad killed himself when she was 18.
When I was told to get on an anti-anxiety med by the heart dr., I panicked b/c I know one of the side effects CAN BE thoughts of suicide. With the a family history of depression & suicide, I did not want to take the medicine & bawled when she suggested it.
I’m happy I listened to her, she told me how important it was for me to take them and talked about my concerns. They have helped me tremendously. I wish I had looked into this long ago.
Day 6 – Thirty interesting facts about me..
1. I am addicted to chapstick – but only the menthol kind
2. I lived in Albuquerque, NM when I was 4 for almost a year
3. I had 8 blood clots in my left leg, the longest was 2 ft long, when I was pregnant w/Cadence
4. I lived in FL for 2 yrs from 00-02
5. For our honeymoon, we drove to Sanibel Island, FL, then Arcadia, Fl, then Daytona Beach, FL, then Blue Ridge Mountains, NC, then Washington, DC, then NYC, NY, then Buffalo, NY. It took us 2 wks. We loved it!
6. I saw MC Hammer in concert when I was 11
7. I flew on a Delta flight from Detroit, MI to Ft. Myers, FL by myself when I was 6 (what was my mother thinking?!)
8. I went to Disney World & Sea World w/my great-grandparents when I was 6
9. I wanted to grow up to be Daisy Duke when I was younger
10. I used to call my dad, Honey instead of dad b/c that’s what my mom called him
11. I got suspended for the first time in my whole life on my b/day my senior year – that vice principal was evil!
12. My favorite pizza topping is black olives
13. I’m learning to speak & write in Mohawk – which is VERY difficult and after a few weeks, can only say about 5 words properly!
14. I’m fairly certain my cousin Aaron saved my life (or at least saved me from horrible injuries) when we were about 10. I was falling down a mountainside & he caught me
15. 5 is my favorite #
16. I’ve never broken any bones or had any stitches (knock on wood!) – but I did have 12 staples when my hernia was repaired
17. I (thankfully) never had to wear braces
18. I saw NKOTB when I was 12 & again when I was 32
19. I prefer dark cloudy days over sunny ones
20. I fostered 102 dogs in about a year
21. I worked at an ENT office while we lived in Fl – it was the best job I’ve EVER had!
22. I’m Irish, German & Mohawk Indian
23. The first time I got pregnant I was 23 & miscarried @ 12 wks
24. My heart went into a-fib on New Year’s Eve 2010
25. However, after stress tests, echos & nuclear tests – I was told I have the heart of a 20 yr old
26. I don’t like any sports…
27. I’m germophobic & the older I get – the worse it gets
28. I hate the smell of pencils
29. I miss Whitney horribly & think of her almost every day
30. I’m terrified of riding a motorcycle
Day 7 – Your zodiac sign & how it fits your personality
Scorpio…I think it fits me pretty well, but most of them do in some way or another. They’re kind of generic & can be twisted to be anything anyone is. When I was a teenager I read my horoscope every day. Now I see the nonsense in those magazine horoscopes but I wasn’t hurting anything reading them – it was kind of fun as a kid, anyway.
Here’s what google says about Scopios:
Scorpio Strength Keywords:
- Loyal
- Passionate
- Resourceful
- Observant
- Dynamic
Scorpio Weakness Keywords:
- Jealous
- Obsessive
- Suspicious
- Manipulative
- Unyielding
Scorpios are fiercely independent. They are able to accomplish anything they put their mind to and they won't give up. They are perfectly suited to being on their own. They are not social butterflies like some other zodiac signs and some actually prefer to live on their own that way there is never any issue of who controls what at home, they like to be in control.
Relationships with Scorpio are always complicated, just like the person, their relationships are a series of extremes, they can even be downright moody for no apparent reason. Scorpios are known for their possessiveness and jealousy but on the other hand, they are extremely loyal. Scorpios have an excellent memory and combined with an inability to let things go, they can hold a grudge against someone who did them harm forever, in fact a Scorpio rarely if never forgives and forgets.
On the other hand, they will always remember a kind gesture forever and repay it. Their truthful and shocking sense of humor if different than that of any other zodiac sign and the Scorpio makes an amazing, powerful interesting friend that can be trusted.
Scorpio is the astrology sign of extremes and intensity. Scorpios are very deep, intense people, there is always more than meets the eye. They present a cool, detached and unemotional air to the world yet lying underneath is tremendous power, extreme strength, intense passion and a strong will and a persistent drive. Scorpios have a very penetrative mind, do not be surprised if they ask questions, they are trying to delve deeper and figure things out and survey the situation. They always want to know why, where and any other possible detail they can possibly know. Scorpio's are very weary of the games that other people try to play and they are very aware of it. Scorpios tend to dominate and control anyone that lets them, or anyone that they find weak. The person that a Scorpio respects and holds close to them is treated with amazing kindness, loyalty and generosity. On the outside, a Scorpio has great secretiveness and mystery. This magnetically draws people to them. They are known to be controlling and too ambitious but only because they need control for this makes them feel safe
Scorpio woman is very emotional, very demanding and very demonstrative. She is full of flair and intrigue, a fascinating woman. She may not show it, but she wants a close committed relationship. In order for this, the man has to be trusted, has to be affectionate and never try to control her. She is very possessive but the Scorpio woman is so full of mystery, sensuality and passion that most men do not mind being possessed by her.
I read the above to Dennis & he said "YES! That is you!" Hopefully, that was a good yes!
Here’s what google says about Scopios:
Scorpio Strength Keywords:
- Loyal
- Passionate
- Resourceful
- Observant
- Dynamic
Scorpio Weakness Keywords:
- Jealous
- Obsessive
- Suspicious
- Manipulative
- Unyielding
Scorpios are fiercely independent. They are able to accomplish anything they put their mind to and they won't give up. They are perfectly suited to being on their own. They are not social butterflies like some other zodiac signs and some actually prefer to live on their own that way there is never any issue of who controls what at home, they like to be in control.
Relationships with Scorpio are always complicated, just like the person, their relationships are a series of extremes, they can even be downright moody for no apparent reason. Scorpios are known for their possessiveness and jealousy but on the other hand, they are extremely loyal. Scorpios have an excellent memory and combined with an inability to let things go, they can hold a grudge against someone who did them harm forever, in fact a Scorpio rarely if never forgives and forgets.
On the other hand, they will always remember a kind gesture forever and repay it. Their truthful and shocking sense of humor if different than that of any other zodiac sign and the Scorpio makes an amazing, powerful interesting friend that can be trusted.
Scorpio is the astrology sign of extremes and intensity. Scorpios are very deep, intense people, there is always more than meets the eye. They present a cool, detached and unemotional air to the world yet lying underneath is tremendous power, extreme strength, intense passion and a strong will and a persistent drive. Scorpios have a very penetrative mind, do not be surprised if they ask questions, they are trying to delve deeper and figure things out and survey the situation. They always want to know why, where and any other possible detail they can possibly know. Scorpio's are very weary of the games that other people try to play and they are very aware of it. Scorpios tend to dominate and control anyone that lets them, or anyone that they find weak. The person that a Scorpio respects and holds close to them is treated with amazing kindness, loyalty and generosity. On the outside, a Scorpio has great secretiveness and mystery. This magnetically draws people to them. They are known to be controlling and too ambitious but only because they need control for this makes them feel safe
Scorpio woman is very emotional, very demanding and very demonstrative. She is full of flair and intrigue, a fascinating woman. She may not show it, but she wants a close committed relationship. In order for this, the man has to be trusted, has to be affectionate and never try to control her. She is very possessive but the Scorpio woman is so full of mystery, sensuality and passion that most men do not mind being possessed by her.
I read the above to Dennis & he said "YES! That is you!" Hopefully, that was a good yes!
Day 8 – A moment you felt most satisfied with your life
I cannot pinpoint one, single moment when I was most satisfied with my life. I was satisfied when I finally graduated Lake (to be out of there was an amazing feeling!), again when I started at Shawnee State University (I was a college girl!), again when Dennis & I moved in together (this was serious!), when we married (finally, after SEVEN LONG YEARS!), at the birth of our children (I’d been praying for them for so long)…I don’t think I can say one was when I was most satisfied.
Each moment has been wonderful, but AFTER the satisfying feeling, “wow, I’m married…now I want kids..had I want to watch them grow and learn things”…each time I feel satisfied, I crave the next satisfaction.
I can truly say, I love my life. I think my most satisfying moment is yet to come..when I’m in my late 90’s and surrounded by my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren – then I’ll be satisfied.
Day 9 – How you hope your future will be
I want my future to be filled with my family. My husband, children, sister, brother, cousins, etc. I love spending time with all of them. I would like to start having family dinners twice a month. I want to be able to travel more, maybe have another kid or two (adoption??)…
I want to be at a job I enjoy more…I would be thrilled to be debt free and live on 5 acres of land…
This question is similar to Day 2 – so for more details – head back there.
Day 10 – Discuss your first love & first kiss
This question is quite a memory jogger. My first kiss was sooo many years ago..I was 11 or 12, maybe. A boy my dad thought was a ‘good kid’. He probably was – it was a long time ago and honestly, not as special as I would have liked or for that matter, one I remember vividly. I don’t remember where we were or how it happened…
My first love…again, it’s not an amazing flashback like they have in movies. It was a ‘normal, awkward – I’m 15, I really believe we’ll get married and have lots of children’ kind of love. He was almost 2 years older than me, went to a different school, had a license and a car and was an amazing kisser.
I loved talking to him for hours on the phone and spending hours together watching movies…or making out.. We were together almost a year, which in teenage time is an eternity! HA!
It was a regular teenage relationship and when it was over, I was heartbroken. I remember talking to him before I left to go babysit one evening. He said, I have to talk to you. I knew what was going to happen and I said, just tell me. He said he had to go to his dad’s & he would call me later.
I cried so hard and brought my friend Val with me to babysit. I was heartbroken and knew what was going to happen. He was going to break my heart without a doubt.
By the end of the night, I had cried a lot and Val was a great friend and listened and made me laugh.
He never called me that night. As a matter of fact, it was two days later and by then, I was already over what was going to happen. When he told me it was just too hard because he was turning 17 and could go out whenever he wanted and blah, blah, blah - I didn’t even shed a tear. I simply listened to his excuses and said good-bye.
I was proud of myself for never letting him know how he broke my heart.
I’m too proud (stubborn?) to let someone else win and so until Dennis, I never deeply cared for anyone else I dated. I liked the other guys I dated…enjoyed my time with them but made sure to never give my whole heart again. A little bitter – probably – thankfully I’m happy with how my life has turned out.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
30 Days of Blogging Series
There's a blog I read every few weeks.
She's doing a series called 30 Days of Blogging. I thought it sounded like fun, but I've been so busy, I didn't want to take the time to sit down and start.
Well, I'm finally ready - things are slowing down a bit with fundraising...I'm looking forward to participating, I think it will be fun! Below are the topics...
As you can see - some of the questions are pretty similar - so in that instance, I will change the question.
Starting tomorrow, you'll be enjoying 30 days of blogging - in one post...I hope you enjoy reading them, as much as I enjoy writing them!
She's doing a series called 30 Days of Blogging. I thought it sounded like fun, but I've been so busy, I didn't want to take the time to sit down and start.
Well, I'm finally ready - things are slowing down a bit with fundraising...I'm looking forward to participating, I think it will be fun! Below are the topics...
As you can see - some of the questions are pretty similar - so in that instance, I will change the question.
Starting tomorrow, you'll be enjoying 30 days of blogging - in one post...I hope you enjoy reading them, as much as I enjoy writing them!
Monday, July 25, 2011
An evening vacation...
va ca tion (noun) 1. Break from work…a period of time devoted to rest, travel, or recreation
We have not been able to take a real (at least in my book) vacation in awhile – but any time we can get away and rest is a good time indeed. So a couple of weeks ago we loaded up the girls, Cai’s friend Mackenzie included, and took them out to my girlfriend’s campground in Indiana. It’s a little over an hours’ drive on the turnpike and once we arrived – we could put into words, how worth the drive it was!
The campground, while VERY little, was so quiet and serene. The lake was warm and thankfully, did not smell. The heat was not unbearable and the food was yummy.
The girls swam and ran and were fast asleep when we loaded them up 5 hours later. I cannot wait to make the journey out again – hopefully for longer than 5 hours.
I hope you have been able to enjoy a time of rest as well!
We have not been able to take a real (at least in my book) vacation in awhile – but any time we can get away and rest is a good time indeed. So a couple of weeks ago we loaded up the girls, Cai’s friend Mackenzie included, and took them out to my girlfriend’s campground in Indiana. It’s a little over an hours’ drive on the turnpike and once we arrived – we could put into words, how worth the drive it was!
The campground, while VERY little, was so quiet and serene. The lake was warm and thankfully, did not smell. The heat was not unbearable and the food was yummy.
The girls swam and ran and were fast asleep when we loaded them up 5 hours later. I cannot wait to make the journey out again – hopefully for longer than 5 hours.
I hope you have been able to enjoy a time of rest as well!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Laughter is an instant vacation!
Though it’s summer, which means summer VACATION – for Cadence, that is. It’s been anything but.
She has 4 hours of practice a week and fundraising on the weekends. She’s a trooper and rarely complains.
At least one day of our weekend is usually spent fundraising…either canning or car washing. The girls work their butts off to make money for their accounts and occasionally have fun doing it.
Meanwhile, on the days when it’s not boiling hot outside and there isn’t a fundraiser happening, the girls love to run around barefoot in our soft green grass. Although with scorching heat and sun as of late, our grass is more like a crunchy brown.
Bryleigh’s favorite game is tag! She even cons Cadence’s friends into playing with her.
This weekend we are going to the funeral of a family friend. She was a funny woman that I have many memories of.
Some time Saturday there is canning at the gas station and of course my volunteer day at the 577 Foundation.
The temperature isn’t supposed to be under 90 all weekend, so unless we are one of the above events, we’ll be in the house trying not to move!
And just because he's so scrumptious..a picture of Aiden...
I hope your part of the map is cooler than ours!!
She has 4 hours of practice a week and fundraising on the weekends. She’s a trooper and rarely complains.
At least one day of our weekend is usually spent fundraising…either canning or car washing. The girls work their butts off to make money for their accounts and occasionally have fun doing it.
Meanwhile, on the days when it’s not boiling hot outside and there isn’t a fundraiser happening, the girls love to run around barefoot in our soft green grass. Although with scorching heat and sun as of late, our grass is more like a crunchy brown.
Bryleigh’s favorite game is tag! She even cons Cadence’s friends into playing with her.
This weekend we are going to the funeral of a family friend. She was a funny woman that I have many memories of.
Some time Saturday there is canning at the gas station and of course my volunteer day at the 577 Foundation.
The temperature isn’t supposed to be under 90 all weekend, so unless we are one of the above events, we’ll be in the house trying not to move!
And just because he's so scrumptious..a picture of Aiden...
I hope your part of the map is cooler than ours!!
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