I tried this a few weeks ago & I've decided I don't have enough changes right now to do them weekly - so I'm going to do them once a month til about 32 wks & then switch to bi-weekly & when things start getting really exciting - weekly!
How far along? 26 wks
Total weight gain/loss: +5 lbs
Maternity clothes? nope but bra is tight (does this fall under too much info?)
Stretch marks? Ha - sure, I'll blame them on this pregnancy (this ? will be deleted next month b/c the answer is obvious!)
Sleep: still have some energy so staying up later - but tossing & turning a lot more
Best moment this week: sleeping in on Sunday
Movement: yes - lots of movement - loving it!
Food cravings: onion bagels - it just started yesterday - but i'm in love...
Gender: GIRL!!!!
Labor Signs: no - too early - so lets keep it that way - but i have had a few braxton hicks - ouch!
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: less heartburn!!!
What I am looking forward to: my next u/s (6/3)- I love watching the baby!
Weekly Wisdom: napping isn't as bad as I've always thought - 2x's this week & I actually felt better when I woke up - not worse, which is unusual for me!
Milestones: Talking about baby names
I'm thankful that I have such an amazing friend in Selena & that we get to spend some time together for a yummy cookout at her house on Sat.
I'm thankful that Cadence is close w/Madison - I need her to have relationships w/my Dad's family - I want her to know him someway & his family is the best way - plus I hope that she & Madison can have the relationship that Sarah & I have - we can pretty much tell each other anything - I know after a really bad day - she's the one I want in my corner!
I'm thankful that Cadence starts back to school on Monday - she misses it & I feel bad when she's been home all day for 2 wks - although mostly she played outside & went to the library so it wasn't too awful
I'm thankful that tomorrow is Friday! :)
I'm thankful that I have such wonderful friends & family
I'm thankful that Sunday we'll be spending a few hours w/friends from Cadence's daycare - she's thrilled!
And finally -
I'm thankful that it's time for bed...b/c I'm feeling it!
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