I had a brilliant idea – they could stay the night w/Aunt Sisa! Duh – why didn’t I think of that before?!
They were both excited – and it appears the dogs were happy to have two extra kids to sleep on.
The national worry about how vicious pits are is quite obvious as evidenced above..
Staying with my sister usually means the girls do not get enough sleep. They come home tired and crabby. I did not figure that into the equation of no kids in the way while I did my last minute things.
O.M.G. were they crabby on Saturday. Cadence cried about E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. It was stressing me out more than if they had just stayed home the night before.
We got through MOST of the party without a tear, but before and after were a true test of my love to her. Grrrr.
Dennis didn’t want me to make her cake – he said I’d make a mess (true) and be stressed (true) and really pissed if it didn’t turn out (beyond true). He ordered one from Meijer & we threw on some LaLaLoopsy mini-dolls.
The only downside…Dennis ordered a SHEET cake. As in it could feed a small village. We did not invite a small village over, so we have probably ½ of it left. That is even with us giving everyone that came to my house pieces the size of a brick to take home!
I was looking forward to sleeping in yesterday – or trying to – since I’ve been getting up uber-early as of late. I was actually heading in the right direction until 7:10 when I heard a loud boom & Bryleigh started crying over the baby monitor. I jumped up to get her - she was already coming out of her room. She had fallen out of her bed. My poor pumpkin. I brought her to bed w/me & she fell right to sleep. I did too, for about a ½ hr. That was the latest I’ve slept in about 2 wks!
Yesterday the kids had their Valentine pictures (our photographer was doing a V-day special – no we do not always get V-day pics!) and this is one of the outfits Cai changed in to during it…
After we went to dinner @ TGIF – a gift card from my momma from Christmas & stopped at Walmart after to pick up a bed rail so my baby doesn’t fall out anymore…and finally home to relax. Dennis made a fire & the girls played w/the Lego Friends Cai got for her b/day. The family room got hot FAST – the girls faces were beet red…. Mine probably was too – but I didn’t take photographic proof..the girls looked cute..me – not so much!
Finally, the winner of the ‘One for the Money’ movie give-away…
Jacqueline @ Expanding Experiences
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