After he bit Bry in the mouth trying to get food out of it, we decided to get a different kitten.
So, off to my brothers we went, gave him Bud-Bud & took Maizey (fka Too).
Bud-Bud enjoyed hanging out w/his brothers & sister again...he played all day long - cuddled at nite and still liked table food.
Alan's friend watned a kitten & so, Alan gave him Bud-Bud. He was doing great & getting big & enjoying his attention. Then one nite, they called Alan & said that he was breathing funny & they didn't know what was wrong. Within the hour, Bud-Bud had passed away.
I feel terrible and think that maybe if we had just kept locking him up while we ate, he would still be alive.
See you at the bridge...