Friday, May 3, 2019

25 - quarter of a century

Dear Whitney,

You are a quarter of a century old.  25 years of life.  You continue to amaze me with your strength and determination.
I know things are not easy for you...actually they've never been easy for you.  But you take it with such great stride.  I'm so proud of you for this.
You fall and get back up.  You take care of yourself and your babies.  It's something you should be proud of.

This year, instead of dinner, we had brunch.  And we had it at the campground in the rv.  It would have been a lot better if it wasn't a mud pit, but I'm just happy I got to share another year celebrating you!

We enjoyed (your choice) waffles, with whip cream, sprinkles, chocolate chips - do delicious, sausage and oj.  Your cake was small but that was because I figured with such sweet toppings, no one would want to eat cake after! Also, we forgot birthday candles, but we'll always have the memory of you blowing out one of my big, house candles, haha!

We got you some capris and shirts - you never get your self anything, so I wanted to make sure it was something only YOU could use and enjoy.  And of course, made sure your favorite color was on each pair of the capris.

I love you so much and look forward to celebrating another 50 years with you!

We love you,

Mom, Dad, Cadence, & Bryleigh

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