Friday, June 1, 2012

Falcon Strut

A few weeks ago Cadence’s school had a walk-a-thon to help raise money for school supplies and expenses.
Cadence raised $160 between, my mom, Dennis’ mom, Aunt Vicki, my work & Greg. She was super excited about raising money.

I was bummed that I wasn’t able to take off to be with her at the walk-a-thon – but my mom went over for about an hour and then Dennis stopped with Bryleigh for about a ½ hour.
Cadence was happy her baby sister was able to walk with her! And thankfully, Dennis took plenty of pictures for me :)

As of today, she’s even more excited it’s her last day of school. While most parents dread this day, I’m pretty excited too. She can stay up a little later to visit with me and I don’t have to argue with her in the morning to get out of bed & get ready! WOO!

I’m also pretty geeked about the Teacher Gift & class gifts we did for the end of the year this year. I’ll have to put together a post soon…


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