Saturday, August 6, 2016

My baby is SEVEN!!

I can't even believe baby is SEVEN today.  How is she growing up so quickly?  Wasn't she just born? heart breaks a little knowing she keeps getting older, but on the other hand, I am proud of the wonderful person she is becoming. 

Yesterday, on the way to Church, after her very small b/day party, she asked if she could use her b/day money to give at church.  My heart was so full of pride.  So, she gave some of her $ when it was time.  Her smile was huge!

Next month the plan is to stay the night in Columbus and go to the American Girl Doll store and get her, her own doll.  Yay!

After Church, Gramma took us all out to dinner.  Bry chose Denny's.  She's a cheap date.  We dropped Gramma off at Aunt Vicki's and came home.  I was able to get a few shots of the girls still dressed in their Church clothes.

Seven things you've taught/reminded me:

It doesn’t matter if you’ve done pretty much the same things raising each of your children, they will grow and be completely different from one and other.

With the right will power, you can overcome anything.

Being a girl is hard work and requires lots of girly things.

Playing dolls is a great workout for your imagination.

You can be a tough little shit, but within seconds, the most gentle, loving little girl.

You are 100% Stacey.

No matter how big you get, there is always room for you on my lap, wrapped in my arms.

I love you, always & forever. 

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