Monday, March 3, 2008

Snow Day 2/26/08

I knew the snowstorm was forecasted the night before & kept my fingers crossed it would be enough to close work. When I checked the news @ 7 that morning, scrolling across the bottom was that we were on a 4hr delay! I could handle that. I couldn't fall back to sleep, so I got up and put away the 3 baskets of Cadence's clothes that were out of her dresser from when we painted it.
I went downstairs & read for awhile after putting away the clothes & got on myspace & played on there for a little while waiting to see if we'd be closed all day. Michele delivered the great news that we were closed for the day. She was my most favorite person that day!
I got Cadence all dressed up in her snowsuit & boots & we went outside to make a snowman. The snow packed great, only every time we'd get part of it built up, she'd come running over & hit it saying "hi ya" (maybe she needs to be in karate?). I finally got her to stop doing that & we finished building it. It was more a snow blob, than a snowman...

We stayed outside for an hour playing in the snow & she learned how to make snow angels - she loved it.

We came inside & Dennis had hot chocolate waiting for us. After lunch, she took a nap & then we relaxed the rest of the evening.

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