Saturday, April 11, 2009

Egg drops, parties & Easter Eve

This morning, since the daycare was closed, we watched Chai & Tae. Since today was Malachai's b/day party, Lisa asked if we'd run Chai to get his hair cut.
The guy (aka Fresh) did a really good job - Lisa was pleased and as many of you know, this is no easy task!

My mom came & picked up the boys & we headed out to The Church on Strayer's egg drop. It was PACKED as noted below!

It was a little chilly - but Cadence was ready to go - even if her face doesn't show it!

They had a bunch of eggs on the ground already & then had a helicopter come in & drop hundreds more...totaling over 50,000! 10 of them contained $500!

Cadence was able to get 4 - 3 filled w/carmels & 1 w/gum. She had fun but was practically trampled on.

We headed over the bowling alley for the party. It was fun & the kids ran themselves tired. I took quite a few pictures of them bowling - but was asked to stop b/c there was a tournment going on & I was distracting the bowlers. Hmmm...
Not to mention all the problems we had w/the screens - Lisa was so frustrated! Here is the guy fixing them AGAIN!

Well...this is a child's b/day take pics at a party...why schedule b/day parties on the same day as a tournament?

Chai celebrated his Golden Birthday w/a Scooby Cake!

Chai didn't feel well, so he didn't smile a lot during his present openings - but he was happy!

Cadence got a strike - didn't get a pic though :( And ended up w/a score of 65. That's usually what a bowl! Good to know my 4 yr old bowls better than me.
Lots of posed pics before everyone jetted - it was fun & Cadence was knocked out by the time we got home!

When we got home - Cadence watched tv for a bit & then it was egg coloring time.

We got her laid down & she fell asleep quickly - good thing, b/c I was almost out too. We got up & hid the eggs & made her basket & now we're off to bed - Happy Easter Eve!!

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